Pay Attention

Pay Attention

Pay Attention  The number of people who are driving distracted is reaching epic proportions. The biggest distraction is that mobile phone. People are either texting or checking their emails, or their Facebook status. This is causing horrific accidents that can be deemed for lack of a better term, silly.

Remember, if you’re looking down at your phone, you can’t be looking at the road.
Truckers beware! We are being looked upon as easy pickings. Everywhere we see billboards with lawyers standing on the hood of trucks. Their slogan is

“in a wreck, need a check? ”

Some unscrupulous law firms are sending out a message that no matter whose fault the accident was, the trucker’s going to take the blame.

What people don’t realize, is life after the accident. Though the family may be well compensated, what about the person in the wreck? All too often accidents result in fatalities or permanent disabilities. What good is all that money if you can’t feed yourself? You don’t see many wheelchairs on the beach!

Let’s wake up people. Let’s pay attention to our driving. Operate safely. Our lives depend on it!

Pay AttentionPay Attention




